remove the risk of
transformation failure



Our mission is to enable people to experience a better digital future through effective business transformation.

Our Mission

Enable people to experience a better digital future

The challenges of hybrid working have profoundly transformed the landscape of the modern workplace, compelling business leaders worldwide to acknowledge the complexity of fostering a workforce that is not only more productive and digital but also significantly more resilient. This recognition comes with the understanding that the decisions taken today—regarding transformation programs, digital strategies, and workforce initiatives—will cast long shadows, shaping the future of businesses for decades to come. It's a pivotal moment where the path chosen can lead to unprecedented growth or unforeseen challenges.

In this era of constant change and technological evolution, we founded Digiworkz with a clear mission: to empower organizations like yours to navigate this new digital frontier with agility and foresight. Our goal is to help you think smarter and work faster, leveraging the potential of a digital workforce to its fullest. However, we recognize that the traditional consultancy model—with its reliance on outdated methodologies and inefficient processes—simply doesn't cut it anymore. That's why we've chosen to pave a new path, guided by five core principles that set us apart from the rest.

Unlike analog consultancies stuck in the past, Digiworkz embraces a future-forward mindset, ensuring that our strategies and solutions are as dynamic and flexible as the digital world we live in. Our approach is not just about keeping pace with technological advancements but about predicting and shaping the future of work itself. With Digiworkz, you're not just adapting to change; you're leading it, equipped with the insights and tools necessary to build a workforce that's not only ready for tomorrow but thriving in it.

Our Values

Digiworkz, our values, business development consultancy, digital transformation consultant, business transformation consulting


digiworkz-business-transformation-value-pragmatic and nimble

We mobilise projects quickly through a structured process aided by the latest digital tools and accelerators.

digiworkz-business-transformation-value-analytically human

Our recommendations are informed by hard data and science, yet always balanced with our empathy for people.

digiworkz-business-transformation-value-agile and scalable

Our approach builds on the agile methodology and draws on our extensive network of consultants and SMEs.

digiworkz-business-transformation-value-digital centric

Our core team live and breathe technology and have successfully led many large-scale digital transformation programmes.

digiworkz-business-transformation-value-collaboratively innovative

We leverage our wider ecosystem to innovate solutions for your workforce challenges and share that knowledge with your teams.

Our Approach

We bring our deep experience, and award- winning AI technology to the design, run and assurance of complex business transformations. We make sure your programmes are more successful. 

We really kick the tyres on your current assumptions, methods, and capabilities to indentify improvement areas. Then we're with you at every step of the programme to ensure stronger returns from your effort.

Programme Directors work with us to:

  • Prepare for a transformation properly
  • Prime the transformation office to perform
  • Power critical tasks that drive results
  • Platform core team processes

We achieve superior results for our clients by using a validated and scientific approach that's based on collective intelligence. This is delivered through our client side advisory teams and our own transformation platform - Digiworkz Nexus.

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Up to 80% of The Reasons for Transformation Failure are Attributable to Human Factors - PWC


We are passionate about eradicating the risk of transformation failure

Depending on which study you read, the chances of delivering a successful transformation range somewhere between 5% to 15%.  Not exactly comforting reading if you're a Chief Transfomration Officer, CFO, CEO, or dare we even say a Programme Director

So then, why have such underwhelming odds done little to dampen the enthusiasm from Executives for pursuing ambitious transformations?

Becuause the need for corproate survival means it is better to try and fail  than to not try at all. The desire for ever-greater customer centricity is a compelling motivator for change.

Digiworkz was originally created to prepare enterprises for the future of work. Today, in a world of unprecedented technology advancement we go a step further. We now actively enable clients to design, build and deliver that future with a certainty of success.

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Cognition holds the key

To understand how we deliver a fundamental shift in transformation success it is important to consider the concept of System 1, 2, and 3 thinking.
Based originally on Noble Prize winning reearch we have identified that the prevelance and preference for sytstem 1 thinking (fast style) contributes considerably to team failings.
Stimulating the application of system 2 and 3 thinking (slow and smart), at the critial moments of a programme, along with knowledge infusion, results in game-changing performance.

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In a One Year Trial at a Global Organisation Digiworkz Nexus was 5.2X More Effective at Driving Programme Collaboration and Problem Solving than Existing Software Tools


Transformation reasons for failure:

  • Workstreams not communicating properly
  • Leadership sponsors conspicuous by their absence
  • Different views & motivations about the direction to take
  • Time zones and remote working causing
  • Plethora of tools and systems that feel disconnected
  • Over-reliance on one or two people